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Aplomb Amla Tulsi Juice
  • Product Code : 10077
  • Unit : 500 ml
  • MRP (incl. of all taxes) : ₹275.00


Why it is suggested that everyone should have one piece of Amla on a daily basis? Well studies have shown that Amla or the Indian gooseberry is packed with nutrients and can actually help you live a longer healthier life.  

One of the most important fruits in Ayurveda, the fruit grows well in a warm climate. It is known to be a rich source of Vitamin- C. So much so, that one small Amla has as much Vitamin- C as 2 medium oranges. Packed with compounds like polyphenols, minerals like Iron and zinc and vitamins like Carotenes and Vitamin B complex, amla can definitely keep a number of diseases at bay.

Tulsi is a small plant, sub-shrub which has multiple uses. Ayurveda mentions the importance of medicinal uses of Tulsi. Properties of Tulsi Rasa - Katu (sharp), Tikta (bitter), Virya -Ushna(hot), Vipak -Katu (sharp).Ayurvedic practice recommends Tulsi in several formulations to enhance immunity and metabolic functions as well as in the management of respiratory problems (Shwas -Kasa).

Amla & Tulsi

  • An essential vitamin to improve eye sight.
  • Drinking amla water help to alleviate constipation.
  • Regulates Blood Sugar levels.
  • Is a powerful food for the brain.
  • Amla helps in lowering cholesterol level.
  • Maintain's the proper functioning of the liver.
  • Amla increases Haemoglobin level and Red blood cell count.
  • Useful herb for Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma.
  • Amla cleanses the mouth, strengthens the teeth.
  • Amla is used as a chief ingredient in chyawanprash improves which improve intelligence and memory power. Tulsi has Antioxidant properties.
  • Tulsi reduces blood glucose level, thus it is useful for diabetics.
  • Tulsi reduces total cholesterol levels, thus it is useful for heart disease patients.
  • Tulsi reduces blood pressure.
  • Tulsi helps in building up stamina.
  • Tulsi has been used for gastric disorders, cough, common colds, malaria and headaches.
  • Tulsi is used as mouth wash for reducing tooth ache.
  • Tulsi has Immuno-modulatory properties.
  • Tulsi contains Phyto-chemicals which provide all these beneficial effects.
  • Tulsi does have analgesic ( pain killer) properties
  • Tulsi is Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-tubercular, Anti-fungal, Anti-malarial properties.

30 ml. Amla Tulsi Juice to be taken with 120ml luke warm water on empty stomach.