Aplomb Agro Power Gold is a concentrated liquid to be mixed with all purpose agriculture sprays. This is a multipurpose quality spray that when it is mixed with insecticides, fungicides, weedicides, wormi or bio-compost fertilising liquids, it increases / improves their effect consequently and resulting in better prevention of crop, fruit and vegetables from diseases, pests, insects and weeds. thus it is also bounces the crop yeild . It is a quality based product containing active elements that easily dissolve in any liquid solution and aggravate increases their effect manifold.
In fact, Aplomb Agro Power Gold is neither a fertilizer nor a pesticide, but when it is mixed with water it improves the humidiating power of water. Consequently, the sprays spread on leaves more equally and increase the effictiveness of different / various sprays. This is biodegradable, therefore it works actively and does not harm the crop or soil.